Message From the Tribal Council: Stay at Home to Protect Elders and Our Community

The Puyallup Tribal Council is asking everyone to stay at home during the next 14 days, except while on essential business, such as grocery store shopping, going to medical appointments or traveling to essential jobs.

“We must take these steps to protect our Elders and the community from COVID-19,” the council stated on the tribe’s Facebook page.

In a Facebook message, the Council stated that it supports Washington’s tribes and Gov. Jay Inslee’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order, which was issued at 5:30 p.m. on March 23.

The order took effect immediately, and requires all Washingtonians to stay home for the next 14 days unless they are pursuing an essential activity, such as grocery shopping, going to a doctor appointment or performing an essential work duty. It bans all gatherings (including weddings and funerals), and orders closures for non-essential businesses.

People are still allowed to go outside and walk, garden or ride a bike, but they must remain six feet away from everyone at all times, according to the Governor’s Twitter post.

Learn more.