Tribal Administration offices will be closed on Friday, June 14, in honor and remembrance of “Herman Dillon Sr. Day.”
Herman Dillon Sr.
June 15, 1931 – May 23, 2014
Chairman Dillon was born on June 15, 1931. At the age of 17 Herman Dillon Sr. joined the U.S. Naval Reserve, just as World War II was coming to an end, according to the tribe.
He spent four years in the reserves as a gunner and a radar worker. He was drafted into the Army to serve during the Korean War just as he was getting out of the reserves, and spent two years guarding POW camps in Pusan.
“The bottom line is, this is our land,” he said in 1990. “We will do whatever it takes to help you people (white Americans) protect our land.”
-Seattle Times
Dillon was first elected to the council in 1971. He served more than 35 years on the Puyallup Tribal Council, presiding over treaty rights victories, a land claim settlement and the establishment of the tribal casino.
During Dillon’s time leading the tribal council, the tribe went from poverty to prosperity. …. He helped negotiate compacts with Washington State, and membership in the tribe more than tripled during his leadership, reports The News Tribune.
In a statement, Tacoma Mayor Marilyn Strickland called Dillon “a constant and reliable leader for the tribe and the region.”
–Tulalip News
Herman Dillon Sr. Memorial video
Puyallup Tribe of Indians YouTube channel