Puyallup Tribe Tiny House Village FAQ
2027 E Wright Ave, Tacoma, WA 98404
In fall 2020, in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and the number of people experiencing unsheltered homelessness, the Puyallup Tribe of Indians began planning for a tiny house village that would serve Tribal members experiencing homelessness who are at increased risk of contracting Covid-19. The Low Income Housing Institute (LIHI), in partnership with the Puyallup Tribe of Indians, is honored to be developing the tiny house village to provide shelter, safety, and community for individuals and couples experiencing homelessness.
What is LIHI?
The Low Income Housing Institute (LIHI) is a nonprofit housing and service organization. LIHI owns and manages over 2,300 units of housing in 66 buildings throughout the Puget Sound region. LIHI operates 11 tiny house villages, eight in Seattle, two in Tacoma, and one in Olympia. LIHI has consulted on the development and operation of other villages across the state and county. The villages provide stability, safety, and community to 1,000 residents annually including individuals, couples, families, seniors, veterans, and people with pets. LIHI also operates three Urban Rest Stops in Seattle, providing showers, bathrooms, and laundry service to around 800 people experiencing homelessness per day.
Who will operate and manage the village?
LIHI will operate and oversee the 24/7 day-to-day management of the site in partnership with the Puyallup Tribe. Staff include a Special Projects Manager and Village Organizers who provide security and community organizing, along with a Case Manager who supports residents in accessing resources such as housing, employment, health care, and education.
Who will live in the village?
The village will serve up to 35 Tribal members experiencing homelessness including individuals, couples, veterans, seniors, students, and people with pets. All residents will be adults age 18 and over.
What will the village include?
The village will include up to 30 tiny houses along with a community kitchen, hygiene facilities, case management, and 24/7 staffing. Each tiny house is 8 feet by 12 feet, is insulated, and has heat, electricity, and a locking door.
What are the rules of living in the village?
Residents will be required to agree to and sign a Code of Conduct. Residents will be expected to follow behavioral expectations and work with case management. There is zero tolerance towards violence. Individuals who cannot abide by this Code of Conduct will not be admitted into the program, or may be asked to leave the community for a better-suited shelter.
I know a Tribal member who is unsheltered. How will the referral process work?
To inquire about the referral process of Tribal members experiencing homelessness, please contact the Puyallup Tribe Wrap Around Program by calling 253-382-6219 or by emailing WrapAroundProgram@puyalluptribe-nsn.gov.
Who do I call if I have a question or concern?
Once the village opens, LIHI will have a staff person on-site 24/7 with phone and email contact. The contact information to the village will be available soon on LIHI’s website (www.lihi.org). In the meantime, you can contact Josh Castle, Community Engagement Director with LIHI, at josh.castle@lihi.org or (206) 334-0508.
What happens if there is a problem?
We are committed to being good neighbors. LIHI staff will be available 24/7 and will respond promptly to questions, concerns, or feedback from both villagers and community members. The staff will perform perimeter checks, organize litter patrols, and respond quickly to the community’s inquiries and requests.
How can I help?
Community generosity and volunteerism play a significant role in the success of villages, both in the setup of a village and the support of residents through donations of meals and services. There will be multiple volunteer work parties to set up the site, which will include painting, construction, and beautification. If you are interested in volunteering or donating, please email tinyhouses@lihi.org.
How do I give input?
If you have questions, concerns, or feedback, please contact Josh Castle, LIHI Community Engagement Director, at josh.castle@lihi.org or (206) 334-0508.