Ken Agtuca
Submitted by Community Family Services
My story isn’t unique for those of us following the medicine that Creator gifts us, for those of us following the Red Road.
My name is Ken Agtuca, and I was recently released from prison after serving 50 years. There are many of us who meet regularly and network as a way to spread the bounty. That doesn’t mean we don’t have to work at it, or that it’s easy. What I want to say here is that there are programs that follow the Red Road that help us stay on the Creator’s pathway. One of these that has proven a success is the Wellbriety program offered by the Community Family Services Department of the Puyallup Tribe of Indians.
As I neared release from half a century of prison, I had the great fortune to be introduced to Jody Brooks, the Director of Community Family Services who, in turn, introduced me to Mona Miller, Re-entry Coordinator for the Tribe.
Mona has a natural skill at rooting out the underlying problems that beset newly released prisoners suffering with drug and alcohol addiction history, and designing programs suited to the individual. She designed my personal program months prior to my actual release and vowed to me that if I followed each and every step, my re-entry would be successful. In return, I committed myself to her plan of action.
Thus far, her promise has proven true. I have two jobs that are in my field. I work both for the Chief Seattle Club and LIHI, the Low Income Housing Institute. I have my driver’s license and my own car. I have also become involved in the effort to combat homelessness.
Community Family Services fosters a united effort to assist in the success of each and every person committing to their program. I am proud to say that I credit my continued success to this collective of fine, dedicated Natives and the willingness of the Puyallup people to believe that anyone can recover if they are willing to follow the skillfully designed programs offered by the Community Family Service division. My family, friends, and I are grateful for that opportunity. Thank you.