Are You Running for Tribal Council and Want to Advertise in the Puyallup Tribal News?

Are You Running for Tribal Council and Want to Advertise in the Puyallup Tribal News?

The Puyallup Tribal News is offering paid advertisements for Tribal Council candidates during the 2020 election season. Here’s how it works:

  • Submit payment of $150 for a half-page or $300 for a full-page to the Department. The price will pay for an ad to run once.
  • Accounting will send proof of payment to the news staff
  • Send a PDF of your ad to

Ads must be submitted by noon on the following dates:

  • Feb. 14 for the February edition
  • March 6 for the March edition,
  • April 10 for the April edition
  • May 8 for the May edition

Ads will be displayed in alphabetical order by last name in the paper.

Candidates will have a chance to view a proof of their ad before it is published.