Physical Abuse, Verbal Abuse and Threatening Behavior is Prohibited
Our tribal culture is one of love, peace, acceptance, understanding and respect.
These are the same values that should define interactions within our Tribe’s programs.
Verbal or physical actions that could be construed as threatening or demeaning are not acceptable behaviors at the Puyallup Tribe.
It is prohibited for any person including Tribal Services Clients and Tribal Members to verbally or physically assault, or harass Tribal Services Providers, Tribal Staff, Elected Officials, Tribal Members or Community Members in the course of requesting or receiving Tribal benefits or services.
This type of disruptive and inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated and and may be grounds for denial of services, suspension from future use of services and should be reported to Human Resources, the Security Department and Puyallup Tribal Law Enforcement.
Access the PDF of CDR #175